This won’t be a long diary, but it appears three judges of the 5th Circuit Court of the U.S, all appointed by Republicans, have decided that Pres. Biden’s vaccine requirement for private companies may be a constitutional no-no. The Washington Post just broke news to this effect at 5:06 pm today, stating:
… that there was “cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate,” staying the order while the court assesses it in more depth.
This stay came two days after issuance of the requirement. One of the plaintiffs in the suite, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, one of many generally Republican states and groups looking to make political hay on this, or maybe even believe that public health mandates are unconstitutional (I doubt it.).
Landry on Saturday called it a “major win for the liberty of job creators and their employees.”
The article doesn’t discuss the impact of having maskless, vaccine-less people running around shopping and breathing on us.
The Federal appeals court in New Orleans gives Biden administration until Monday to respond to lawsuit filed by GOP-led states and businesses. According to the Washington Post:
Governors and attorneys general in mostly Republican-controlled states have vowed to fight it vigorously in court; 11 joined a separate lawsuit filed against it on Friday in federal court in Missouri. Two companies in the Midwest, represented by a conservative advocacy group, have also filed suit against the rule.