Inspired by the late Johnny Rook's Climaticide Chronicles, this is an occasional series on the state of Arctic sea ice.
- July 2011 mean sea ice extent was lowest in the satellite record (since 1979),
- Sea ice extent is the second-lowest in the history of the satellite record (since 1979) as of this date.
- Temperatures in the Arctic Basin have continued to be above normal in August to date
- The Arctic Oscillation has been negative (no Arctic dipole in August), which resulted in spreading out of the winds from the North Pole, and spreading out of loose pack ice
- A record sea ice minimum this year (below 2007) is not likely.
Details below the North Pole Web Cam from today, and the orange curlicue.
NOAA North Pole Arctic Sea Ice WebCam picture for 20 UTC 28 August 2011